Thursday, September 23, 2010

Haircuts for all!

We had to fix the "haircut" that Brenna gave Ethan after she gave herself a haircut. I've cut Ethan's hair several times with scissors but this is my first attempt at cutting his hair with the clippers. I hope I'm better at it than Brenna. ;-)

The original haircut (done by Brenna)

The 2nd haircut (done by yours truly). He was not happy about all the hair getting in his mouth. Sorry, Ethan! Mommy's still learning (and you're the guinea pig).

Here's Ethan's new "spiky" haircut:

Brenna's photo shoot of her new hairstyle:

Since everyone else was getting drastic hairstyles, I figured I might as well jump on the bandwagon. Here's my new "darker" hair. After Brandon called me a "vixen", I obliged him and posed for the camera.


Holly Hoffman Spears said...

You are gorgeous! Love the hair. :) And I think Brenna's hair is really cute. Sonnet said she had fun playing with Brenna today. Something about making gardens? haha. :)

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

Your kids are cuter and you are beautiful! i love the color!

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...


Ang said...

You go Girl with those scissors! I knew you could do it... hopefully this will give you confidence to try Brandon's. And you do look fabulous. Love the dark hair on you... but then again you look great in any color!

Hemphill Family said...

You guys all look great!

Do you know Holly Spears from hear or there?

Anne Marie said...

You did great for your first day as a hair stylist! He looks so adorable! Brenna's hair really does fit her. Sweet and sassy! And I LOVE your new hair! You look great! But then again, you always do!

Matt and Amie said...

I love all the new hair cuts and hair dos! You all look adorable. I am just dreading the day when Kaylee cuts her hair. I know its going to happen sometime! You are such a good Mom, I think I would die if Kaylee did that! :)

Spencer and Emily Nelson family said...

I love the spikey do. You did great. That top left pic of Brenna with her tongue sticking out is totally me. Scary. LOVE your new hair too. A lot. I've thought of going back to the dark side...

MAYBERRY said...

Everyone looks darling!!

janet said...

love the dark hair on you.. and the vixen pictures are hot!